Cover Snark: Moisturizing Is Important


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Chased by the Bear by Celia Kyle. A forest and full moon awash in blue smoke. A headless, shirtless man looms over all while an angry bear roars at the man's crotch.

Sarah: I know we don’t need to anthropomorphize bears any more than they already are, but in my mind, this bear is yelling ENOUUUUUUGH!

Amanda: There’s something so comforting about the consistency of yelling bears and wolves on shifter covers.

Sarah: I want to make a compilation video of some song with a lot of hollering and just show yelling bears and wolves from shifter covers.

Scarred by Jim Snyder. A man in black boxer briefs, ankle boots, and a backwards ball cap sits on a motorbike. There's some crackly, sepia filter over the whole thing so the man's skin looks like cracked, dry earth.

From Pam G: I wonder if you’ve seen this cover. I find it weirdly fascinating. Is it snark or is it awe or is it just wtf?

Sarah: I just realized I’m out of hand moisturizer at my desk.

That guy must be SO itchy.

Lara: Is it just me or is his head a bit misshapen?

Amanda: It reminds me of the skin close ups in Roc commercials where they would show skin next to some dry lakebed.

Tarquin by R.T. Butler. The left half of the cover is a shirtless, headless man in black slacks. A white, freshly sheared sheep is peeking out from behind him and is standing in a golden field.

From Syntha: This sheep LOL

Sarah: The sheep is named Tarquin. Tarquin has adventures. I’m here for Tarquin gallivanting wildly around the were-zoo, causing mayhem and giving no fucks.

Amanda: We must protect sweet Tarquin at all costs.

Dangerous Bond by Kate Rudolph. A bright blue man with long, dark hair and an undercut. His skin is covered in dark spots.

From Melodie: Less dangerous warrior outcast and more like he just discovered he shouldn’t fall asleep while chaperoning his tween-aged sister’s slumber party when the girls are playing with cosmetics and hair gel.

Sarah: Toddler with the sharpie! TODDLER WITH A SHARPIE!

Amanda: I’m getting dalmatian vibes.

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