Reducing physician burnout with significant time savings

This article is sponsored by, a revolutionary AI-powered ambient listening technology for clinical documentation.

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) within health care is one of, if not the most significant, health care industry development in recent history. AI is a powerful solution that provides significant benefits from across the practice to patient care, providers, and administrative staff. Demand is rising for this technology, with solutions like’s AI medical scribe accruing over 30K providers in just five months on the market.

Why does this matter now?

Coming off the heels of a global pandemic, health care workforces are stressed due to patient volume, staff shortages, and a lack of tools to streamline the physician and patient experience. About 30% of medical groups preemptively saw a physician leave or retire in 2023 due to burnout. The results of the pandemic also left patients feeling unheard. 36.4% of patients have left their health care provider within the past two years; 80% of respondents said this was due to poor in-person experiences or a lack of access and communication.

The pre-pandemic health care industry already saw a need for automated solutions to help practices and patients. Now more than ever, AI-powered solutions can help reduce physician burnout while engaging and empowering patients. Today, this is where AI-powered solutions come into play.

Improving care with technology is no longer burdensome

AI-powered ambient listening technology that captures natural language helps physicians and health specialists automate clinical documentation and ensures patients feel heard. When used as an AI medical scribe, physicians and health care workers can capture their conversations and insights into clinical documentation during in-office appointments and telehealth appointments immediately, without manually writing or typing. AI medical scribes are a growing use case, due to the time benefit that it provides physicians and specialists. Patients are also empowered as physicians can better focus on them instead of their notes. A chief example of this new technology is the AI medical scribe, which is redefining health care with each patient interaction. is EHR-agnostic, making it interoperable with any system a care practice uses. Mobility is also a significant factor as the technology is operating system (OS) agnostic, which provides physicians access to the power of AI on any device, anytime, and anywhere. also brings flexibility to practices and clinics by removing time-consuming and stressful onboarding processes associated with implementing new care tools.

In the AI medical scribe market, is the first ambient listening technology that can generate multi-modal notes, including classic notes, specialized notes, and image annotations. This ability goes beyond capturing patient conversation by contextualizing the information for enhanced documentation.

How does work?

A common myth about AI is that it can be difficult to implement. With, this is not the case.

Mobile devices enhance health care delivery by improving access, efficiency, communication, and patient outcomes. Providers do not need to buy special microphones or equipment. With a simple application download, is ready to go.

According to Annals of Family Medicine, primary care doctors spend most of their time per patient visit on tasks like orders (58.9%), responding to messages (24.4%), and chart reviews (13%) during the 36.2 minutes spent on the health care portal. mitigates these administrative burdens, allowing practitioners to focus more on what matters most: the patient. works in just five simple steps:

1. Listens to the conversation. listens to patient-provider conversations to help document clinical information  efficiently. The solution accounts for diverse accents for enhanced accessibility as well as completes structured screenings.

2. Generates a dialogue flow. creates a transcript of the dialogue flow between providers and patients.

3. Generates clinical documentation. categorizes the summarized content into various progress note sections and allows for the reviewing and importing of relevant data.

4. Assists with order entry.’s summary captures lab, imaging, procedure, medication orders, and follow-up visit details.

5. Review, modify, and import. allows health care providers to review summarized content for accuracy and completeness, modify it if necessary, and merge pre-configured defaults with a single click.’s rapid adoption and critical developments

Since was first made available, the AI medical scribe has seen rapid momentum, including adoption by over 30K providers in only five months. To date, has integrated with leading EHRs such as eClinicalWorks and Epic, and the company recently announced its mobile application for any EHR user on all iOS and Android Devices. can lessen physician workloads around clinical documentation across all health care specialties. Recently, announced nationwide availability of its solution for dental practices, hygienists, and dermatology clinics. On the dental side, Community Health Alliance, a Nevada-based federally qualified health center (FQHC), is participating in an early adopter program for Since can generate multi-modal notes, dentists can experience the AI medical scribe’s power to identify special markers on joint and dental exams, as well as voice activation in Perio Chart. By broadening the availability of, dentists, hygienists, and dermatology specialists now have a compelling AI medical scribe to lessen the stress and time associated with patient reporting.

Medical practices and clinics nationwide are starting to realize the benefits of by streamlining care, improving the patient/provider relationship, and alleviating physician burdens. Providers on average save up to 8-10 hours weekly on clinical documentation. A game-changer when discussing the wellness and efficiencies of physicians.

Some notable customer sentiments include:

  • “ understands my accent and provides close to 90% or more accuracy in transcribing clinical documentation. It is a lifesaver for physicians who want to work efficiently and cut down on hours of typing as it takes focus away from patient care,” said Dr. Ganesh Balu of Regional Medical Associates.
  • “Previously when working with medical students, timely delivery of transcription reports was challenging. On hectic days, capturing the complete HPI History of Present Illness (HPI) and other crucial details were often missed due to a shortage of time. However, with, there has been a significant improvement, as we can now capture more information in less time,” said Dr. Joseph Uzosike of Goodtime Family Care
  • “We’ve implemented for both in-office patient visits and telehealth and telephonic services. has helped free up our physicians, and this has, in turn, helped us better optimize our resources. We can expand our health care services; from being a comprehensive primary care practice, we now offer chronic care management to our patient community,” said Anand Rao of Canyonville Health and Urgent Care.
  • “As a family practice, we have patient visits that involve multiple speakers. For instance, a young girl visited our clinic, accompanied by her mother. While she articulated her ordeal with menstrual pain, her mother jumped into the conversation to contribute her observations. flawlessly identifies and transcribes each speaker. It is a game changer for our family practice, as it efficiently handles situations involving several speakers during a patient visit,” said Dr. Amarachi Uzosike of Goodtime Family Care.

Another recent key development of worth mentioning include:

Ushering in the new era of proves that AI is not just a buzzword, but an integral component in the future of health care. It is a transformative solution that allows practices to get to the heart of their job by freeing ample time to engage meaningfully with patients. With the proper guardrails in place, patients can be heard like never before. Physicians no longer need to spend early mornings and late nights trying to recall a specific detail from one of many daily patient encounters. The opportunities opens are resulting in direct and indirect efficiency throughout an organization.

The integration of AI is revolutionizing the health care industry, bringing about positive transformations to benefit us all. Those who embrace this cutting-edge technology are positioning themselves for a brighter future. We can celebrate alleviating overworked physicians and benefit from more proactive and personalized patient engagement. is a revolutionary AI-powered ambient listening technology for clinical documentation.


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